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≫ [PDF] Vampire in Suburbia the Sequel to Desmond edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz Jeffrey Apgar Chris O'Guinn Emilie Pitt Literature Fiction eBooks

Vampire in Suburbia the Sequel to Desmond edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz Jeffrey Apgar Chris O'Guinn Emilie Pitt Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Vampire in Suburbia the Sequel to Desmond edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz Jeffrey Apgar Chris O'Guinn Emilie Pitt Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Vampire in Suburbia the Sequel to Desmond  edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz Jeffrey Apgar Chris O'Guinn Emilie Pitt Literature  Fiction eBooks

Desmond Beckwith is back. He’s handsome, he’s rich, he’s gay.

And he’s looking for a house in Jersey.

Desmond, you see, is a vampire. He has a job he loves; he can get blood whenever he needs it. But he thinks he wants a family, and that can get complicated when you’re nearly 300 years old and don’t know how to drive.

Fourteen years after Ulysses Grant Dietz (great-great-grandson of Ulysses S. Grant) published his popular first novel, Desmond, the long-awaited sequel has appeared through Books, under the banner of Lightbane Publications.

Vampire in Suburbia picks up the story of Desmond Beckwith fifteen years after events of the first book. In the wake of 9-11 he’s moved his financial firm out of lower Manhattan and into a new office tower in downtown Newark. As his current life cycle winds down and he regenerates once more to the age of 21, the age when he first became a vampire in 1745, Desmond needs to rebuild the life he had, a life that had become—for the first time in centuries—filled with people who are important to him. He yearns for something more than the opulent seclusion of his flat in New York. Looking for a place to call home in the suburban greenbelt outside of Newark, he revisits people and places from past lifetimes, and meets a handsome bearded museum curator who stirs up emotions that Desmond thought had been carefully packed away.

Desmond Beckwith has always been an outsider. With the support of his friend of many lifetimes, Roger Deland, Desmond has managed to maintain his privacy and his fortune; but at the cost of meaningful human contact beyond the blood he needs to survive. Desmond realizes, this time around, that there’s got to be more to life than money, blood and anonymous sex.

And he hopes he’ll find it in suburbia.

Vampire in Suburbia the Sequel to Desmond edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz Jeffrey Apgar Chris O'Guinn Emilie Pitt Literature Fiction eBooks

You can tell there are more than 10 years between this sequel and its predecessor, Desmond: there is more hope, the story is lighter, like both main character than author managed to go through a dark period. Even if AIDS is only hinted, and no one of the main characters are affected by it, I have the feeling that it was like the dark shadow that was descending upon Desmond in the previous novel, and that is not lifted, leaving him directly unscathed, but not without some mourning.

Desmond is reborn again at 21 years old; the loss of his lover Tony is still a fresh scar for a more than 200 years old vampire, but he is ready for a new life; not only he has left the big townhouse in the Bowery, he has also decided he doesn't feel like living in the Dakota apartment like he did for the last years of his previous life. Desmond wants a "country" life, a property remembering him his native England, and the suburbs in New Jersey seem to be the right place.

With the new home, he also meets new friends, like Oliver, the curator of the local Historical society, and Denis, a young business associated; both men stir something in Desmond, but, like in the previous novel, I have to highlight that Desmond is not exactly a champion of diplomacy and tactics. If not for the fact that we know that Desmond is an ancient vampire, he is really behaving like the 21 years old trust fund boy he is pretending to be.

There is really a change in the mood between the two novels, the new Desmond is less "gothic", less dark hero; even the setting is lighter, from a gothic XIX century townhouse full of heavy wooden furniture, to a `20s country house with its Art Deco lightness. Change of life, change of home, and so also change of ending: Desmond, the novel, was nice, but it was sad for Desmond to end up alone. Not the same here, and actually, if the author is in the mood, this could be the nice beginning of the nice vampire suburban series.

Product details

  • File Size 770 KB
  • Print Length 301 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 150017257X
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Lightbane Publications (September 25, 2012)
  • Publication Date September 25, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Vampire in Suburbia the Sequel to Desmond  edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz Jeffrey Apgar Chris O'Guinn Emilie Pitt Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Vampire in Suburbia (the Sequel to Desmond) - Kindle edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz, Jeffrey Apgar, Chris O'Guinn, Emilie Pitt. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Vampire in Suburbia (the Sequel to Desmond).,ebook,Ulysses Grant Dietz, Jeffrey Apgar, Chris O'Guinn, Emilie Pitt,Vampire in Suburbia (the Sequel to Desmond),Lightbane Publications,FICTION Romance Paranormal,FICTION Gay
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Vampire in Suburbia the Sequel to Desmond edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz Jeffrey Apgar Chris O'Guinn Emilie Pitt Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

I think Mr. Grant is a gifted writer. Many gay fiction novels I've read lately have more sex than story and that is a shame really. I don't mind reading sex scenes when they're appropriate, just not in every chapter.
However, the sequel to "Desmond" was even better. Here I was reading about Desmond and areas of New Jersey I could relate to and had actually visited and lived in or near. Mr. Dietz " characters, although mostly fictional, came across as true to life as the Ballantine family of Brewer's fame. Thank You, Mr. Dietz for two great reads.
Loved ,loved , loved the sequel! Great to visit with old friends & discover new - the descriptions of the Newark Museum were so spot on that they gave me chills. Desmond has found love & peace and it was wonderful!
I absolutely loved the first book Desmond, it being one if only 6 books I've cried at. This book is an amazing follow-up and ending to a great character! This book had tears on my eyes at the end again! -D
Unremarkable follow up to Desmond, slow, badly written gay porn, little plot or character development, but a sweet happy ending. Had hoped for so much more. Ultimately forgettable.
"Vampire in Suburbia" is set in present-day Newark and New York City and follows protagonist Desmond Beckwith in the months following his most recent regeneration. It's not a terribly complex story; intentionally or not some of the author's choices make it easy to guess what's coming. There's also a bit of a formula that's developed, but it's difficult to discuss in a review without spoiling the book. But these are minor quibbles. The writing style is crisp and engaging and the characters speak with their own voices. If you enjoyed "Desmond" then you'll also enjoy its sequel.
"Vampire in Suburbia," set in New York City and Newark, is a gay novel written by Ulysses Dietz.

Early on, during an intimate moment between Desmond, the protagonist, and his lover, Roberto Ballantine, the author unleashes the type of homoerotic scene that readers of this genry have come to expect. Although the Ballantine family existed, and their house, now owned by the Newark Museum, is described in the book in great detail, in his Author Notes, Dietz tell us the relationship between the two men is purely the product of his imagination.

The book's shift in time, back and forth, back and forth, can make the reader dizzy, but after recovering from the vertigo, one realizes that the ride is fun, after all. Mr. Dietz puts to good use his experience as a curator at the Newark Museum, and his expert descriptions of art and artifacts dating back to the late seventeen hundreds give his novel a historical angle that is both enlightening and entertaining.

"Vampire in Suburbia" is likely to generate a following among readers of vampire and gay novels. The sex and biting scenes alone will keep these fans titillated.Vampire in Suburbia (the Sequel to Desmond)
You can tell there are more than 10 years between this sequel and its predecessor, Desmond there is more hope, the story is lighter, like both main character than author managed to go through a dark period. Even if AIDS is only hinted, and no one of the main characters are affected by it, I have the feeling that it was like the dark shadow that was descending upon Desmond in the previous novel, and that is not lifted, leaving him directly unscathed, but not without some mourning.

Desmond is reborn again at 21 years old; the loss of his lover Tony is still a fresh scar for a more than 200 years old vampire, but he is ready for a new life; not only he has left the big townhouse in the Bowery, he has also decided he doesn't feel like living in the Dakota apartment like he did for the last years of his previous life. Desmond wants a "country" life, a property remembering him his native England, and the suburbs in New Jersey seem to be the right place.

With the new home, he also meets new friends, like Oliver, the curator of the local Historical society, and Denis, a young business associated; both men stir something in Desmond, but, like in the previous novel, I have to highlight that Desmond is not exactly a champion of diplomacy and tactics. If not for the fact that we know that Desmond is an ancient vampire, he is really behaving like the 21 years old trust fund boy he is pretending to be.

There is really a change in the mood between the two novels, the new Desmond is less "gothic", less dark hero; even the setting is lighter, from a gothic XIX century townhouse full of heavy wooden furniture, to a `20s country house with its Art Deco lightness. Change of life, change of home, and so also change of ending Desmond, the novel, was nice, but it was sad for Desmond to end up alone. Not the same here, and actually, if the author is in the mood, this could be the nice beginning of the nice vampire suburban series.
Ebook PDF Vampire in Suburbia the Sequel to Desmond  edition by Ulysses Grant Dietz Jeffrey Apgar Chris O'Guinn Emilie Pitt Literature  Fiction eBooks

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